Class Dojo!

Today’s post, I will explain to you a free resource that some of you may use or have heard of, but don’t utilize. I signed up for this Class Dojo website back in September, and we had great fun with it. However, we phased it out and got too busy to keep it up on the board all day, every day. BUT, my kids have gone absolutely insane the last few weeks. Fourth-quarter starts next week, and we haven’t gone out for recess in months… that is a recipe for disaster. SO, I decided to bring this out today, and let me tell you, it was GOLDEN!

A Fantastic Behavior Management Tool

We used it the entire day today. Here’s a quick breakdown of how I used it in different parts of the day.

  • Math- participation in the whole group part of our ‘I do, you do, we do’ because usually, I have kiddos zoning out.
  • Daily 5- quickest table to check in after each session
  • Basic transition- quietest and quickest kids in line

If used in the classroom, this website can seriously make a teacher’s life WAY easier! Here is a look at how to set your students up.

Class Dojo Behavior Managment tool

First, you’ll start by setting up your class.

Class Dojo Behavior Managment tool

Then, you’ll add all of your students to your class. I leave it up all day long so students can visually see how many points they have for the day.

Taking class attendence

Class Dojo is not just for behavior, you can take attendance on the website, too.

Class Dojo Behavior Managment tool

You add and edit what you want the students’ positive and negative points to be in Class Dojo. My six positive points were hard work, helping others, on task, participation, persistence, and teamwork. That way, I can reward students for more than just following class rules, I can reward them for participation, too. The negative points I have are disrespect, disruption, no homework turn-in, off task, talking out of turn, and being unprepared for class.

Website image

You can also give multiple students points at a time, so if you catch a group behaving nicely, you can reward all the kids at once.

Positive and negative points tracker

There are also great reports that you can get to see the averages of positives and negatives for the day/month.

Class Dojo Behavior Managment tool
Behavior Managment tool for the classroom

I’m linking up through Katie King’s Techy Linky party!!

Check out some other techy tips over at the First Grade Jungle. For more behavior management ideas check out this post!

Techy Teachers
Class Dojo Behavior Managment tool

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