Anchor Charts for Every Skill in Your Measurement Unit

Use these anchor charts to support your measurement and data unit! Create interactive practice for time, money, length, capacity, and graphing. Add them to your measurement lesson planning and activities.

This is the second part of a 5-day blog series all about teaching Measurement and Data! From hands-on activities and manipulatives to technology-based approaches, there are lots of great ways to teach measurement and data so that your students acquire essential skills while having fun at the same time.

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In this second post of the series, we’ll explore anchor charts that will support you as you teach measurement and data in your elementary classroom.

Because the Measurement and Data standards cover so many skills, I am going to keep each of the blog posts organized in skill sections.

Introduction to Measurement

Use these anchor charts to support your measurement and data unit! Create interactive practice for time, money, length, capacity, and graphing. Add them to your measurement lesson planning and activities.

When you first introduce measurement to your students, they will most likely associate the term with measuring dimensions. They will picture a ruler or a measuring tape. So, measuring objects is a great place to start!

To cover the over-arching umbrella of measurement, create a simple chart that describes the ways that you can measure objects: Length (+ width + height), Weight, and Capacity.

All About Dimensions & Distance Anchor Charts

Use these anchor charts to support your measurement and data unit! Create interactive practice for time, money, length, capacity, and graphing. Add them to your measurement lesson planning and activities.

Then, you can start to focus in on specific measurement skills. First up, distance and dimensions! Create a simple T-chart with U.S. Customary and Metric measurement units from smallest to greatest.

Be sure to include an example so that students can relate to general size/distance. In fact, a fun way to make this interactive is to include the example and then have students come up with other examples that they think would measure similarly. Then, practice measuring them and confirm or deny their estimates!


Get A free 5-part Measurement & Data blog series with anchor charts, mentor texts, digital tools, organizational tips, and more!

Create a similar chart for both capacity and weight!

All About Time Anchor Charts

Next up, we have time measurement. As I mentioned in the previous blog post, repeated practice is going to be essential to mastering time measurement. So, create anchor charts that will allow your students to easily refer to their steps and support their understanding.

Three anchor charts that you will need for time measurement are

  • Labeled Clock- Time increments and easy-reference parts
  • Steps to Telling Timing- Clear and simple. Laminate and use dry-erase markers to practice multiple times.
  • How to Measure Elapsed Time- Include all 4 methods. Students will connect and find ease with different methods.

All About Money

Use these anchor charts to support your measurement and data unit! Create interactive practice for time, money, length, capacity, and graphing. Add them to your measurement lesson planning and activities.

Similarly, money measurement will require lots of practice! But, it is a much simpler concept. Your money anchor chart will need to show important information about coins and their values. Then, leave a column for sticky-note practice and interactive activities.

All About Graphing

Use these anchor charts to support your measurement and data unit! Create interactive practice for time, money, length, capacity, and graphing. Add them to your measurement lesson planning and activities.

Lastly, we have data and graphing. Depending on your grade level, you may have different graphing standards. Include a clear and simple example of each graph that your students need to learn.

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