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Before you go, here's an extra offer for you...

Snag a full year of reading passages.

  • 74 fiction and nonfiction passages
  • Discounted pricing
  • 3 versions for each passage for you to differentiate as needed 

Reading comprehension practice with
highly engaging topics

What teachers have been saying:

  • "This resource provides so much. The range of passages allows me to use it with all of my students regardless of there reading level."- Erica, 3rd Grade
  • "The products made by this teacher author are always great quality and so easy to use and prep, I knew this bundle would be a good investment."- Second Grade is Super, 2nd Grade
  • "I love how this resource can be used to differentiate for my different learners. There are 3 different types of levels for each passage. I like to use this during my small groups. I used the shortest passage to help my learners that have choppy reading and the longest to challenge my more advanced learners."- Ashley, 2nd Grade
  • "I love that there is one topic with three different levels of text. The students can be reading the same information and be reading it at their level as well as answering questions at varying levels. Thank you!"- Lindsey,

Now, back to details about your freebie...

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Then, you'll receive a welcome email tomorrow with more information you may find useful.

In the meantime, feel free to browse the Elementary Nest Website for more teaching tips or join my private teaching FB group with daily conversations and weekly giveaways.