Spring Themed Reader’s Theater



This reader’s theater product includes 12 stories with spring themes. Spring Themed Reader’s Theater is a great way for students to practice fluency and expression. It is always a great team building activity for partners or groups of three! The script themes range from rain to St. Patrick’s Day to froggy fiction.

There are 13 spring-themed reader’s theater scripts within this unit. They range between two or three characters. Each script comes with a cover page, headband or necklace pieces, color copies, or black and white copies for each script. The color version scripts are highlighted for each character. There are also headbands for each character to help when the readers are presenting to their classmates.

Each script:

  • has a cover page
  • comes with headband or necklace images for characters
  • has highlighted color copies for each character
  • has black & white copy

There are also 6 graphic organizers for reader’s responses. They cover different reading strategies, such as story elements, answering questions, and comparing two texts. These 6 graphic organizers were collected from my ELA units.

13 Story Titles:

  • It’s Springtime (2 characters)
  • Two Naughty Leprechauns (2 characters)
  • Looking at Clouds (2 characters)
  • Playing in the Rain (2 characters)
  • Let’s Help the Earth (2 characters)
  • Is that a Rainbow (2 characters)
  • Planting Flowers (3 characters)
  • A Tornado Warning (3 characters)
  • Counting the Thunderstorms (3 characters)
  • The Egg Hunt (3 characters)
  • Egg Decorating (3 characters)
  • The Rainy Bus Ride (4 characters)
  • Backyard Battle (4 characters)

**This resource was updated in 2020 with new fonts and clip art.

**Made for a first grade classroom, marked for second grade for practice with fluency, expression, and sight words.

Check out more Reader’s Theater Packs:
Fall Reader’s Theater
Winter Reader’s Theater
Summer Reader’s Theater
Reader’s Theater (Non-seasonal)
Reader’s Theater BUNDLE

Need more 1st Grade Spring Activities?
Spring Flip Books
Spring Coloring Sheets
Spring Fold and Go Books
Spring 1st Grade Centers
Spring Differentiated Reading Passages