How I Manage My Morning Routine

Managing my mornings

Managing my mornings at a glimpse below… I’d love to hear how you run your mornings.

Step 1- Check-in

I have my students check-in on the attendance chart.

I have my students move their owl to the chart to symbolize that they are here! This is part of my Owl Decor Pack. Click here for 13 other themes for a check-in chart.

Step 2- Lunch

Morning Structure and Routine Organization Tips- check-ins, morning work, and more!

Now, I’ll ask my students to let me know their lunch plans. Are they packing or buying? Their names and lunch numbers are on their clips, but I flipped them around for the blog pictures!

Step 3- OWL Binders

Owl binders

Time to gather up all things for the teacher. They will unpack their backpacks and turn in their OWL binders and their school folders.

This is always a fun activity for managing my mornings. Haha… I check homework and reading logs each night. I also check parent sections for any notes or lunch money! Find OWL Binder Editable Tabs here.

Step 4- Reset your Day

I have students move their clip back to green. The students always start fresh on Ready to Learn every day. They get clip ups all the way until dismissal, so we always wait to clip back to green in the mornings!

At the start of their morning, they get ready to clip up to red again!

Step 5- Morning Work

I tell my students to grab your morning work off Ms. Tobin’s desk.

Two-sided morning work is always waiting for them on the corner of my desk. On the back, they practice sentence editing and handwriting. On the front, they practice spiraling skills for morning work!

Both items are in my store: Sentence Editing and Morning Work (shop for K-3rd)

Want more morning routine tips?

I made a YouTube video for morning routines. There is even a freebie. Check it out here…


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