RL.5.7 Visual Elements



This Visual Elements reading unit is full of ideas and resources to use while you are teaching your fifth graders the RL.5.7 standard. You’ll cover visual elements and how they contribute to a text.
Please check out the preview to see ALL that you’re getting in this Visual Elements RL.5.7 pack!
In the 5th grade pack you will receive:
  • 3 Mini-Lessons
  • 13 Graphic Organizers
  • 6 Passages (with answer keys)*
  • 9 Interactive Notebook Pieces
  • 12 Task Cards
  • 1 Summative Assessment (with answer key)*
  • Answer Keys for certain lesson plan activities, all passages, and assessment
*Images are in color for these sections due to questions potentially having to do with color in the images.
This unit is part of a bundle. Click here for the full 5th Grade RL Bundle.
If you are not teaching Common Core, then the pack is still valuable to use when teaching 5th-grade students unknown words and phrases and figurative language.
Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text (e.g., graphic novel, multimedia presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, poem).
This purchase is for one single classroom only.
If you’re interested in sharing with other classrooms, make sure to buy the extra licenses for a discount through the TeachersPayTeachers tool. If you are interested in a site license, please contact me for a quote at [email protected].